The 22 of July Commission an independent commission of the Norwegian government mandated to review and learn from the terrorist attacks on the Government Complex in Oslo and on Utøya Island on July 22, 2011 released its final report.
The report focuses on three questions:
What happened on 22 July?
Why did it happen?
How could our society have let this happen?
“The tragedy of 22 July seems a paradox: On the one hand, the terrorist attacks may be the most shocking and incomprehensible acts ever experienced in Norway. […] On the other hand, we were prepared for several aspects of 22 July. A car bomb scenario at the Government Complex and several coordinated attacks have been recurring scenarios in threat assessments, as well as for safety analyses and exercise scenarios for many years.“
The Commission’s website is available in both Norwegian and English
The full report in Norwegian can be found here
Selected chapters of the report in English can be found here
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