Paris and the Threat of the Islamic State: Background and Context

The gruesome acts of violence perpetrated against innocent civilians in Paris last Friday night have fixed the world’s attention on the Islamic State.  With an estimated 129 killed and nearly three times as many injured, the international community has responded with grief, outrage, and shows of solidarity with the people of France.  France, Europe, and the wider Western world are now faced with harrowing questions: How did this happen? And could we be next?

In an attempt to address these question as well as the origins and rise of the Islamic State, the Homeland Security Digital Library has compiled a number of resources, including but not limited to the following:

For more information on radicalization, the Islamic State, or domestic terrorism, visit the Homeland Security Digital Library (some resources may require login).


Article formerly posted at

Note: you may need to login to the HSDL to view some resources mentioned in the blog.

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