NTAC Guide to Prevent Targeted Violence

The U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) has released a new report, Behavioral Threat Assessment Unit: A Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement to Prevent Targeted Violence. The document notes that the Secret Service model of “Identify, Gather, Manage” is “designed to identify individuals displaying threatening or concerning behavior, gather information to assess if an individual poses a risk of violence, and then manage the risk by implementing appropriate interventions.”

This guide lays out a framework of six specific steps that law enforcement agencies can follow to help prevent targeted violence in their communities:

STEP 1: Establish a Behavioral Threat Assessment Unit and Policy;

STEP 2: Create Operational Protocols and Procedure;

STEP 3: Identify and Process Reports of Concerning Behavior;

STEP 4: Gather Information to Assess for Risk;

STEP 5: Develop Risk Management Strategies; and

STEP 6: Promote Continuous Improvement and a Culture of Prevention.

The guide notes that the use of behavioral threat assessment indicates a shift to a more formalized strategy for preventing targeted violence, and “is a natural progression of the public safety role law enforcement has historically played in the United States.”

For more information, check out HSDL’s related Focus topics on Active Shooters, Domestic Terrorism in the US, Mass Gatherings, and School Violence.

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