National Intelligence Strategy 2019 Identifies New Threats

surveillance camera with american flag in backgroundThe Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released the 2019 National Intelligence Strategy (NIS), which will guide the U.S. intelligence policy for the next four years. This is the fourth edition of the NIS encompassing all 17 elements of the nation’s Intelligence Community (IC). Significantly, the goal of this strategy is not only to align efforts of these elements, but also to prioritize the most critical objectives of intelligence gathering and analysis. In addition, the strategy focuses on necessary resources given the current and future operational and developmental needs.

The 2019 NIS identifies the following objectives:

  • Maximizing full potential of the IC via efficient resource integration and coordination;
  • Improving quality of intelligence by bolstering technological innovation;
  • Building strong partnerships to enable stronger national security outcomes; and
  • Maintaining public trust by enhancing accountability and transparency.

Given the rapidly changing strategic environment along with the increasingly complex threats, the IC must become “more agile, innovative, and resilient.” In order to effectively navigate these challenges, the NIS identifies seven mission objectives, including: 1) strategic intelligence; 2) anticipatory intelligence; 3) current operations intelligence; 4) cyber threat intelligence; 5) counterterrorism; 6) counterproliferation; and 7) counterintelligence and security.

As stated by the Director of National Intelligence Daniel R. Coats, “These objectives will allow the IC to continue the crucial work of supporting our senior policymakers, warfighters, and democracy while increasing transparency and protecting privacy and civil liberties.” Furthermore, the strategy underscores the importance of the Seven Principles of Professional Ethics and Principles of Intelligence Transparency for the Intelligence Community.

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