Lessons learned, best practices, after action reports and more from Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) program.
More informationIn spring 2015, the LLIS.gov website ceased independent operations and delivered a large portion of its collection to be consolidated with the HSDL. By fall of 2015, the HSDL made almost 23,000 resources, transferred from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) program, searchable on the HSDL website. FEMA released a Question and Answer document about the consolidation effort.
One of the advantages of this move is that a large portion of LLIS.gov content, such as lessons learned, innovative practices, after-action reports, plans, templates, guides, and other materials, will be searchable in a single location. This allows the homeland security and emergency management communities to find relevant information in one place. FEMA’s LLIS program will continue to produce trend analyses, case studies on the use of FEMA preparedness grants, webinars, and other documents relevant to emergency managers. These products are available either on the FEMA.gov site or HSDL.org. Some of the most recent LLIS products include Hazard and Core Capability Trend Analyses, Grant Case Studies, and Lessons Learned and Innovative Practices. They can now be found by searching this LLIS section of the HSDL.
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