7 Mar, 2024
EMR-ISAC: InfoGram, Volume 24 Issue 10, March 7, 2024
Emergency Management and Response-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (U.S.)
The Emergency Management and Response Information Sharing and Analysis Center's (EMR-ISAC) InfoGram is a weekly publication of information concerning the protection of critical infrastructures relevant to members of the Emergency Services Sector. This issue includes the following articles: "Actionable research findings on emergency vehicle lighting and visibility at roadway incidents"; "FEMA updates Emergency Operations Center Skillsets, requests input by March 28"; "CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] webinar for emergency services on Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention grants, March 19"; "2024 Executive Fire Officer and Leadership Symposium and pre-event Gettysburg Staff Ride"; "CISA and partners release advisory on threat actors exploiting Ivanti Connect Secure and Policy Secure Gateways vulnerabilities"; "NSA [National Security Agency] releases maturity guidance for the Zero Trust Network and Environment Pillar"; "Iranian national charged for multi-year hacking campaign targeting U.S. defense contractors and private sector companies"; "Update to National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan coming before the end of summer"; "$100 million a day? Cash flow disruptions roil healthcare industry after cyberattack"; and "American Ambulance Association: Summary of Change Healthcare cyberattack and HHS [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] statement."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    Emergency Management and Response-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (U.S.)
  • Date
    7 Mar, 2024
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Via E-mail
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Source
    InfoGram (March 7, 2024), v.24 no.10
  • Subjects
    Critical infrastructure
    Emergency vehicles--Lighting
    Targeted killing
  • Resource Group
  • Series
    EMR-ISAC: InfoGram

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Worldcat: http://www.worldcat.org/

Indiana University Guide: Citing U.S. Government Publications: http://libraries.iub.edu/guide-citing-us-government-publications
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Naval Postgraduate School: Dudley Knox Library. Citing Styles: http://libguides.nps.edu/citation
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