Sep, 2023
Cancelling the Flood: Increasing FEMA Community Rating System Participation in Flood-Prone Communities
Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.). Center for Homeland Defense and Security; Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.)
From the thesis: "Flooding is the most frequent severe weather threat and the costliest natural disaster facing the nation. The Community Rating System (CRS) rewards flood-prone communities for improving floodplain management, enhancing preparedness, and mitigating flood risk. This thesis employs appreciative inquiry (AI) to study CRS success in the three most flood-prone states--Florida, Texas, and Louisiana--as well as local initiatives of coastal and fluvial communities to enhance community resiliency. These states share comprehensive floodplain management planning across all four CRS series, with effective public outreach, open space preservation, enforcement of regulations, and an integrated mitigation program. Sea Bright, NJ succeeded largely because of Superstorm Sandy upgrades that most coastal flood communities could replicate. Wilkes-Barre, PA has benefited from substantial flood mitigation projects, including reducing repetitive loss properties, which return on investment (ROI) validates. This thesis determines that planning with ROI, expanded training, and repetitive loss analysis reduces flood risk. Due to the heightened frequency and cost of flooding-related disasters, the nation must utilize CRS to meet two competing Congressional goals: National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) fiscal solvency and affordability of flood insurance. CRS bridges this gap by providing discounts in those communities that reduce the overall risk to the federal treasury, a win-win for all."
DateSep, 2023
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromNaval Postgraduate School, Dudley Knox Library:
Media Typeapplication/pdf
SourceCohort CA2201/2202
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