31 Jul, 2023
National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy: 'Unleashing America's Cyber Talent'
United States. Office of the National Cyber Director
From the document: "This strategy details how we will strengthen our cyber workforce, connect people to well-paying, quality jobs, and advance the welfare, prosperity, and security of our society. The strategy seeks to transform cyber education. It advocates for a skills-based approach to build more robust cyber career pathways. The strategy aims to foster extensive collaboration between employers, educators, government and other key stakeholders to meet both urgent and long-term workforce needs. By equipping every American with cyber skills, they will be better prepared for today's jobs and able to participate in our interconnected society."

Citing HSDL Resources

Documents from the HSDL collection cannot automatically be added to citation managers (e.g. Refworks, Endnotes, etc). This HSDL abstract page contains some of the pieces you may need when citing a resource, such as the author, publisher and date information. We highly recommend you always refer to the resource itself as the most accurate source of information when citing. Here are some sources that can help with formatting citations (particularly for government documents).

Worldcat: http://www.worldcat.org/

Indiana University Guide: Citing U.S. Government Publications: http://libraries.iub.edu/guide-citing-us-government-publications
Clear examples for citing specific types of government publications in a variety of formats. It does not address citing according to specific style guides.

Naval Postgraduate School: Dudley Knox Library. Citing Styles: http://libguides.nps.edu/citation
Specific examples for citing government publications according to APA and Chicago style guides. Click on the link for your preferred style then navigate to the specific type of government publication.

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