4 May, 2023
Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on People with Disabilities
National Council on Disability (U.S.)
From the document: "In this report, the National Council on Disability (NCD) examined how extreme weather events and environmental hazards have adversely and disproportionately impacted people with disabilities in the United States and its territories over the past 20 years. The report focuses on compliance with applicable federal laws; examines applicable federal programs and policies and their implementation in health care, housing, education, and emergency management; and offers findings and recommendations to bring about policy and system change. This report defines extreme weather by the type of hazard (e.g., drought, flooding, severe storm, wildfire, winter weather, tropical cyclone [hurricane]) and level of risk by U.S. county and U.S. territory. It posits that extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and severity globally and that this increase has resulted in significant economic and social costs, with profound effects on people with disabilities."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    National Council on Disability (U.S.)
  • Date
    4 May, 2023
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    National Council on Disability: ncd.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    People with disabilities
    Natural disasters

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