11 Apr, 2023
Effects of Terminating the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) PHE and NEA Declarations [Updated April 11, 2023]
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Webster, Elizabeth M.; Lee, Erica A.; Santamaria, Kelsey Y.; Sheikh, Hassan Z.; Singer, Audrey
From the document: "In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, federal officials issued declarations of emergency and disaster pursuant to multiple emergency authorities, including Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act [hyperlink] (PHSA; P.L. [Public Law] 78-410, as amended; 42 U.S.C. [United States Code] §§201-300mm-61); the National Emergencies Act [hyperlink] (NEA; P.L. 94-412, as amended; 50 U.S.C. §§1601 et seq.); and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act [hyperlink] (Stafford Act; P.L. 93-288, as amended; 42 U.S.C. §§5121 et seq.). Although the Public Health Emergency declaration (COVID-19 PHE) under PHSA Section 319, the COVID-19 NEA declaration, and the Stafford Act declarations for COVID-19 all address the pandemic, they are distinct, independent authorities. The COVID-19 PHE and the COVID-19 NEA declaration authorized federal assistance and other activities, and invoked standby authorities. The Stafford Act declarations authorized federal disaster assistance. Officials subsequently renewed the PHE and NEA declarations to support the pandemic response, but on January 30, 2023, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. announced his Administration's plans [hyperlink] for a 'wind-down' period. The President initially anticipated terminating the COVID-19 NEA declaration [hyperlink] on May 11, 2023, but on April 10, 2023, signed H.J.Res. 7, terminating the COVID-19 NEA declaration upon enactment. HHS is planning for the COVID-19 PHE declaration to expire [hyperlink] on May 11, 2023. On January 31, 2023, the House passed H.R. 382, which would terminate the COVID-19 PHE declaration upon enactment. On February 9, 2023, FEMA announced [hyperlink] that it will close all of the COVID-19 disaster [hyperlink] declaration 'incident periods' [hyperlink] on May 11, 2023 [...]."
  • URL
  • Authors
    Webster, Elizabeth M.
    Lee, Erica A.
    Santamaria, Kelsey Y.
    Sheikh, Hassan Z.
    Singer, Audrey
  • Publisher
    Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
  • Report Number
    CRS Insight, IN12088
  • Date
    11 Apr, 2023
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Congressional Research Service: crsreports.congress.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    COVID-19 (Disease)
    COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-)
    Public health--Management
  • Resource Groups
    Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
    Reports (CRS)
  • List
    Reopening after COVID Shutdown

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