Jun, 2022
Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2021
National Center for Education Statistics; United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics
Irwin, Véronique; Wang, Ke; Cui, Jiashan; Thompson, Alexandra
From the Document: "'Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2021' provides the most recent national indicators on school crime and safety. The information presented in this report serves as a reference for policymakers and practitioners so that they can develop effective programs and policies aimed at violence and school crime prevention. [...] This report covers a variety of topics on school crime and safety. It first examines different types of student victimization, including violent deaths and school shootings, nonfatal criminal victimization, and bullying victimization. Then, the report presents data on measures of school conditions--such as discipline problems, gangs, hate-related speech, possession of weapons, and use and availability of illegal drugs--as well as data that reflect student perceptions about their personal safety at school. This report wraps up the discussion on crime and safety issues at the elementary and secondary level by examining the percentages of teachers who reported having been threatened or attacked by their students."
  • URL
  • Authors
    Irwin, Véronique
    Wang, Ke
    Cui, Jiashan
    Thompson, Alexandra
  • Publishers
    National Center for Education Statistics
    United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • Report Number
    NCES 2022-092; National Center for Education Statistics 2022-092; NCJ 304625; National Criminal Justice 304625
  • Date
    Jun, 2022
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    National Center for Education Statistics: nces.ed.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Schools--Safety measures
    School children--Crimes against
    Child mental health
    School violence--Prevention
  • Resource Groups
    Critical Releases
    Data and statistics

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