6 Jun, 2022?
Building Alliances for Climate Action: Advancing Climate Action Through Partnerships
Resilient Nation Partnership Network; United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency; United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
From the Document: "We have the incredible opportunity to take action and become a climate-resilient nation. After all, we have no choice. To become climate resilient requires collective action. Our efforts must take a Whole-of-Government and Whole Community approach. The 'Resilient Nation Partnership Network' is working to address this through partnership. The result of our collective action is this 'Building Alliances for Climate Action' resource. It is the work of many organizations and individuals, including federal representatives, faith leaders, community-based organizations, mayors and many more. At a time when many are searching for direction on how to address the climate crisis, this resource represents a unifying voice, helping guide the Whole Community forward. 'Building Alliances for Climate Action' is more than a resource. It tells a story of a future that is hopeful and bright. The only way we achieve that future is together."
  • URL
  • Publishers
    Resilient Nation Partnership Network
    United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
    United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Date
    6 Jun, 2022?
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Federal Emergency Management Agency: www.fema.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Source
    Alliances for Climate Action. Virtual Forum. October 2021
  • Subjects
    Climate change mitigation
  • Resource Groups
    Lectures, presentations, and conference proceedings
    Critical Releases

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Worldcat: http://www.worldcat.org/

Indiana University Guide: Citing U.S. Government Publications: http://libraries.iub.edu/guide-citing-us-government-publications
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Naval Postgraduate School: Dudley Knox Library. Citing Styles: http://libguides.nps.edu/citation
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