29 Mar, 2022
H. Rept. 117-282: Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022, Report to Accompany H.R. 6865, March 29, 2022
United States. Government Publishing Office
From the Purpose of Legislation: "The purpose of H.R. 6865, as amended, is to authorize $12.8 billion in discretionary funding for the United States Coast Guard (hereinafter Coast Guard or Service) in fiscal year 2022 and $13.9 billion in fiscal year 2023, setting aside $585 million for improvements to Coast Guard shoreside infrastructure and facilities. The bill also authorizes $510 million for the acquisition of a twelfth National Security Cutter and three Fast Response Cutters, $350 million for the acquisition of a Great Lakes icebreaker in fiscal year 2022, and $20 million in fiscal year 2023 for icebreaking cutters for operation in the Great Lakes, Northeastern United States, and the Arctic. The bill reauthorizes the end-of-year strength of 44,500 active-duty personnel and gradually increases the number of commissioned officers on the active-duty promotion list to 7,400 by fiscal year 2025. Further, H.R. 6865, as amended, allows the Secretary of Homeland Security to increase the authorized end strength of the Coast Guard Selected Reserves by up to 3 percent and the Commandant by up to 2 percent of the existing end strength per fiscal year. Finally, the bill makes reforms to Coast Guard authorities and laws governing shipping and navigation."
Report NumberH. Rept. 117-282; House Report 117-282
Date29 Mar, 2022
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromU.S. Government Publishing Office: www.gpo.gov/
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group