Oct, 2021?
National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality
United States. White House Office
From the Document: "This strategy is the product of and roadmap for a whole-of-government effort to advance gender equity and equality. Responsibility for realizing its bold vision is not the task of a sole agency or White House office, but rather a responsibility that cuts across the work of the Biden-Harris Administration in both domestic and foreign affairs. In order to mainstream gender equity and equality across our domestic and foreign policy, we will elevate gender in strategic planning and budgeting, policy development, management and training, and monitoring and evaluation efforts. We will also strengthen data collection and analysis and take steps to ensure transparency and accountability for progress toward the goals laid out in this strategy. This work will be conducted in partnership with Congress, state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments, foreign governments and multi-lateral organizations, and non-governmental actors--including faith-based groups, civil society, and private sector organizations--who were also consulted in the development of the strategy and have an essential role in the work ahead."
DateOct, 2021?
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromThe White House: www.whitehouse.gov/
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group