13 May, 2021
EMR-ISAC: InfoGram, Volume 21 Issue 19, May 13, 2021
Emergency Management and Response-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (U.S.)
The Emergency Management and Response Information Sharing and Analysis Center's (EMR-ISAC) InfoGram is a weekly publication of information concerning the protection of critical infrastructures relevant to members of the Emergency Services Sector. This issue includes the following articles: "May is National Building Safety Month"; "New predictive model may speed toxicity screens and potentially replace animal studies in determining toxicity of chemicals"; "FEMA releases research report, 'Improving Public Messaging for Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place'"; "Webinar: Building Counter-IED [improvised explosive device] Capabilities with the Security and Resiliency Guide (SRG)"; "CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] releases advisory on DarkSide Ransomware: Best Practices for Preventing Business Disruption from Ransomware Attacks"; "Joint NCSC [United Kingdom's National Cyber Security Centre]-CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency]-FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation]-NSA [National Security Agency] cybersecurity advisory on Russian SVR [Russian Foreign Intelligence Service] activity"; "US, UK agencies warn Russian hackers are adapting based on government advisories"; "Cyberattacks on US police departments are a huge overlooked national security threat."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    Emergency Management and Response-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (U.S.)
  • Date
    13 May, 2021
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Via E-mail
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Source
    InfoGram (May 13, 2021), v.21 no.19
  • Subjects
    Critical infrastructure
  • Resource Group
  • Series
    EMR-ISAC: InfoGram

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Worldcat: http://www.worldcat.org/

Indiana University Guide: Citing U.S. Government Publications: http://libraries.iub.edu/guide-citing-us-government-publications
Clear examples for citing specific types of government publications in a variety of formats. It does not address citing according to specific style guides.

Naval Postgraduate School: Dudley Knox Library. Citing Styles: http://libguides.nps.edu/citation
Specific examples for citing government publications according to APA and Chicago style guides. Click on the link for your preferred style then navigate to the specific type of government publication.

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