Apr, 2010
U.S. Navy Climate Change Roadmap
United States. Department of the Navy
"Climate change is a national security challenge with strategic implications for the Navy. Climate change will lead to increased tensions in nations with weak economies and political institutions. While climate change alone is not likely to lead to future conflict, it may be a contributing factor. Climate change is affecting, and will continue to affect, U.S. military installations and access to natural resources worldwide. It will affect the type, scope, and location of future Navy missions. The Navy 'Climate Change Roadmap' outlines the Navy's approach to observing, predicting, and adapting to climate change by providing a chronological list of Navy associated action items, objectives, and desired effects for FY [fiscal year]10-14. […]. This 'Climate Change Roadmap' is intended as a companion document to the Navy Arctic Roadmap of 2009, and its focus areas include: (1) Strategy, policy, and plans; (2) Operations and training; (3) Investments in capability and infrastructure; (4) Strategic communications and outreach; (5) Environmental assessment and prediction Navy action items and objectives within this roadmap are intended to achieve the following desired effects: (1) The Navy is fully mission-capable through changing climatic conditions while actively contributing to national requirements for addressing climate change; (2) Naval force structure and infrastructure are capable of meeting combatant commander requirements in all probable climatic conditions over the next 30 years; (3) The Navy understands the timing, severity, and impact of current and projected changes in the global environment; (4) The media, public, government, Joint, interagency, and international community understand how and why the Navy is effectively addressing climate change; (5) The Navy is recognized as a valuable joint, interagency, and international partner in responding to climate change."
DateApr, 2010
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromUnited States Navy: www.navy.mil/
Media Typeapplication/pdf