6 Aug, 2020
Maintaining Critical Infrastructure Resilience to Natural Hazards During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Hurricane Preparations by US Energy Companies
Springer Nature (Firm)
Clark-Ginsberg, Aaron; Monken, Jonathon E.; Rueda, Ismael Arciniegas; Liu, Jay; Chen, Hong (Electrical engineer)
From the Abstract: "The COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] pandemic has the potential to compromise the ability of critical infrastructure utilities to respond to or mitigate natural hazards like wildfires and hurricanes. This article describes the ways that an energy organization, the regional transmission operator PJM, is preparing for hurricanes during the COVID-19 pandemic. PJM is using a combination of technological and organizational processes to prepare for hurricanes during the pandemic. Activities include the development of a third control room to increase redundancy and maintaining social distance at control center, investment in more resilient communications technology to maintain connectivity, and taking a holistic approach to identifying issues related to supply chain and fuel security. With this mix of organizational and technological processes, we argue that critical infrastructure resilience should be understood as a sociotechnical construct and identify several recommendations for improving resilience. The article has implications for policymakers working to maintain infrastructure resilience to natural hazards during the COVID-19 pandemic"
  • URL
  • Authors
    Clark-Ginsberg, Aaron
    Monken, Jonathon E.
    Rueda, Ismael Arciniegas
    Liu, Jay
    Chen, Hong (Electrical engineer)
  • Publisher
    Springer Nature (Firm)
  • Date
    6 Aug, 2020
  • Copyright
    2020 The Author(s). Posted here with permission. Document is under a Creative Commons license and requires proper attribution and noncommercial use to be shared: [creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/].
  • Retrieved From
    Springer Open Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience: jipr.springeropen.com/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Source
    Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience (2020), v.1 no.10
  • Subjects
    Natural disasters--Management
    Hurricane protection
  • Resource Group
    Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
  • Series
    COVID 19 Resources
    COVID 19 OA Journals
  • List
    Pre-Disaster Mitigation

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