24 Jul, 2020
2020 Hurricane Season FAQ: Federal Disaster Assistance for Hurricanes During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Updated July 24, 2020]
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Webster, Elizabeth M.; Lindsay, Bruce R.; Horn, Diane P.; Painter, William L.; Lee, Erica A.
From the document: "This report provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding [1] emergency and major disaster declarations under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act; 42 U.S.C. §§5121 et seq.), including legal authorities and information related to the declaration request process; [2] types of assistance that may be available to state, territorial, and tribal governments, private nonprofit organizations, private entities, and individuals and households pursuant to a Stafford Act emergency or major disaster declaration; [3] considerations related to concurrently responding to a hurricane during the COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] pandemic; [4] the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), the source of funding for the Stafford Act emergency and major disaster declarations; [5] other federal assistance that may be available through the Small Business Administration (SBA); and [6] additional references. The scope of this report is limited to assistance authorized under the Stafford Act. This report does not address other forms of federal assistance that may support response to and recovery from a hurricane."
  • URL
  • Authors
    Webster, Elizabeth M.
    Lindsay, Bruce R.
    Horn, Diane P.
    Painter, William L.
    Lee, Erica A.
  • Publisher
    Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
  • Report Number
    CRS Report for Congress, R46385
  • Date
    24 Jul, 2020
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Congressional Research Service: crsreports.congress.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Disaster relief
    Disaster recovery
    COVID-19 (Disease)
  • Resource Groups
    Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
    Reports (CRS)
  • List

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