7 Oct, 2016
Report of the ICE Advisory Committee on Family Residential Centers
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
From the Introduction: "The detention of migrant children and families by the U.S. government has been controversial since its inception. Child and family detention has been the subject of a number of federal lawsuits - most notably, the 'Flores' litigation (currently captioned 'Flores v. Lynch'), filed in 1985 and still in active litigation. Since its inception, many reports by government agencies [...] and advocacy organizations have made similar and negative findings. In this report, the ACFRC [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] Advisory Committee on Family Residential Centers] adds our voice to those prior critiques. We offer numerous recommendations to improve detention management and conditions. But these should be understood in light of our basic conclusion and first recommendation, [...] Recommendation 1-1: DHS's immigration enforcement practices should operationalize the presumption that detention is generally neither appropriate nor necessary for families - and that detention or the separation of families for purposes of immigration enforcement or management are never in the best interest of children."
Date7 Oct, 2016
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromU.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: www.ice.gov/
Media Typeapplication/pdf