25 Sep, 2019?
Campaign Planning Handbook: Academic Year 2020
Army War College (U.S.). Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations
Haseman, Mark
From the Introduction: "The purpose of this document is to assist United States Army War College students during the Military Strategy and Campaigning (MSC) course. It also serves to assist commanders, planners, and other staff officers in combatant commands (CCMD), joint task forces (JTF), and service component commands. It supplements joint doctrine and contains elements of emerging doctrine as practiced globally by joint force commanders (JFCs). It portrays a way to apply published doctrine and emerging doctrine at the higher levels of joint command, with a primary emphasis at the combatant command level. [...] In the wake of the publication of the National Defense Strategy and National Military Strategy, campaign planning has received renewed attention within the Department of Defense. As directed by the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders and subordinate commanders develop a comprehensive set of nested strategies and plans that must address global priorities while incorporating regional or functional strategies and campaign objectives which are supported by other specific plans like theater security cooperation, contingency, and posture plans. [...] While joint and Service doctrine remain authoritative sources for planning, this handbook provides ideas and insights for those charged with developing theater strategies and campaign plans, whether as a coordinating authority or as a collaborator. This handbook focuses at the combatant command and subordinate joint force command levels. In some cases, where there are apparent differences between joint and Service doctrine, the handbook reconciles the differences where possible and focuses on 'best practices' for theater commanders."

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Naval Postgraduate School: Dudley Knox Library. Citing Styles: http://libguides.nps.edu/citation
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