26 Sep, 2019
Executive Order 13888: Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Refugee Resettlement
United States. Office of the Federal Register
From the Purpose: "In resettling refugees into American communities, it is the policy of the United States to cooperate and consult with State and local governments, to take into account the preferences of State governments, and to provide a pathway for refugees to become self-sufficient. These policies support each other. Close cooperation with State and local governments ensures that refugees are resettled in communities that are eager and equipped to support their successful integration into American society and the labor force."
Report NumberExecutive Order 13888; EO 13888
Date26 Sep, 2019
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromFederal Register: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collection.action?collectionCode=FR
Media Typeapplication/pdf
SourceFederal Register (October 1, 2019), v.84 no.190, p.52355
Resource Group