Federal Nuclear Facilities Licensing and Regulation Act, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources of the Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, Second Session on H.R. 3920, to Provide for the Licensing of All New Federal Nuclear Facilities by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and to Establish a Federal Nuclear Facilities Regulatory Review Commission to Recommend an Approach to Subjecting Existing Federal Nuclear Facilities to Independent Regulation, March 1 and 8, 1994
United States. Government Printing Office
This is both the March 1 and 8, 1994 hearings on "Federal Nuclear Facilities Licensing and Regulation Act" held before the House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources. From the opening statement of Richard H. Lehman: "For nearly half a century, the Department of Energy [DOE] and its predecessors have operated nuclear weapons and nuclear energy research and development facilities without having to answer to any outside entity for the safety of those facilities. In part as a consequence of that arrangement, the Federal nuclear complex today is an almost inconceivable environmental mess. Estimates of the eventual costs to clean up those facilities have ranged as high as $500 billion. [...] Our hearing today is going to focus on defining the problem to be solved. We will hear about the problems of DOE self-regulation from the former chairman of DOE's Advisory Committee on Nuclear Facility Safety, the Office of Technology Assessment, the General Accounting Office, several State regulatory officials from DOE host States, and several representatives of environmental organizations active in oversight of DOE facilities. The subcommittee will convene again one week from today to hear from four Federal agencies-DOE, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board." Statements, letters, and materials submitted for the record include those of the following: John F. Ahearne, Peter A. Johnson, Victor S. Rezendes, Robert M. Quillin, James 0 . Payne, Jr., Arjun Makhijani, Andrew P. Caputo, and Brian Costner.
Report NumberSerial No. 103-72
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromU.S. Government Printing Office: www.gpo.gov/
Media Typeapplication/pdf
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