Aug, 2018
Ground Warfare in 2050: How it Might Look
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Kott, Alexander
"This Technical Note offers a brief technological forecast of selected military technologies and their employment in ground warfare in the year 2050. This document is a think piece presenting the author's opinions, intended for stimulating discussion and ongoing exploration of future directions in military technology. This Technical Note revisits ideas developed in the earlier US Army Research Laboratory report of 2015 Visualizing the Tactical Ground Battlefield in the Year 2050. It also elaborates on the context of several publications in which the author investigated possible features and capabilities of future autonomous intelligent agents and robots operating on the battlefield of the future."
  • URL
  • Author
    Kott, Alexander
  • Publisher
    U.S. Army Research Laboratory
  • Report Number
    ARL-TN-0901; Army Research Laboratory Technical Note 0901
  • Date
    Aug, 2018
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC):
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subject
    Military/War and warfare

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