5 Jun, 2015
Guide to Public Alerts and Warnings for Dam and Levee Emergencies
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers
"The guidebook's purpose is to assist the emergency manager in issuing more timely and effective public alert and warning messages for floods caused by dam breaches, controlled dam releases, and levee breaches or overtopping. The guidebook is not about how to install, maintain and operate emergency public communication technologies. Designing and implementing an effective public education campaign to enhance household preparedness is also outside the scope of this guidebook, although alert/warning topics should be addressed in general public education/information programs. This guidebook is based on findings from decades of research on disaster warnings. It presents best practices derived from these findings. The guidebook is supported by the data presented in three technical papers on warning issuance, alert/warning diffusion, and public alert/warning response referenced at the end of this document."
Date5 Jun, 2015
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromUniversity of Colorado Natural Hazards Center: hazdoc.colorado.edu/
Media Typeapplication/pdf