What Are the Efficiencies of a Mass Vaccination Drive-Through Clinic Compared to a Walk-In Clinic?
National Fire Academy
Reid, Darin E.
"The problem is that the Stanwood Camano Fire Department (SCFD) made the first Regional attempt at facilitating a mass vaccination drive-through clinic; yet the efficiencies of this type of clinic compared to the coinciding walk-in mass vaccination clinics hosted by hospitals and medical clinics are still unknown. The purpose of the study is to compare SCFD's mass vaccination drive-through clinic to walk-in clinics to evaluate best practices for future clinics. To achieve this, four questions were answered: (1) what are the efficiency elements of a mass vaccination clinic; (2) what are the efficiency comparisons between SCFD's and the county's other mass vaccination clinics; (3) what are the pros and cons of a drive-through mass vaccination clinic; and (4) what are the pros and cons of a walk-in mass vaccination clinic? Data was collected by way of questionnaire from seven out of eight Snohomish Health District's Strategic National Stockpile Point of Dispensing walk-in clinics held simultaneously with the SCFD clinic. An onsite survey was done by SCFD which was also used to evaluate and compare the efficiencies of its clinic. Literature review addressed the pros and cons of a walk-in and drive-through clinic and to identify their efficiencies. The research method chosen was descriptive Results from the questionnaire and SCFD's survey found that SCFD rated high in its ability to efficiently use staffing levels to vaccinate large numbers of the public quickly. SCFD's drive-through clinic was found to have several definitive advantages to vaccinating the public when it comes to biological events. SCFD's efficiencies were also found to be bolstered, in part, due to its operational procedures already being based on the National Incident Management System (NIMS). It is recommended that SCFD update its Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to allow for a drive-through mass vaccination clinic to be part of its regular operational procedures."
  • URL
  • Author
    Reid, Darin E.
  • Publisher
    National Fire Academy
  • Date
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    United States Fire Administration: www.usfa.fema.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Emergency management/Medical support and services
    Public health
    Management and economics/Research and analysis

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