Jan, 2015
Applied Critical Thinking Handbook (Formerly the Red Team Handbook)
United States. Army Training and Doctrine Command
"The premise of the program at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies (UFMCS) is that people and organizations court failure in predictable ways, that they do so by degrees, almost imperceptibly, and that they do so according to their mindsets, biases, and experience, which are formed in large part by their own culture and context. The sources of these failures are simple, observable, and lamentably, often repeated. They are also preventable, and that is the point of 'red teaming'. Our methods and education involve more than Socratic discussion and brainstorming. We believe that good decision processes are essential to good outcomes. To that end, our curriculum is rich in divergent processes, red teaming tools, and liberating structures, all aimed at decision support. We educate people to develop a disposition of curiosity, and help them become aware of biases and behavior that prevent them from real positive change in the ways they seek solutions and engage others. We borrow techniques, methods, frameworks, concepts, and best practices from several sources and disciplines to create an education, and practical applications, that we find to be the best safeguard against individual and organizational tendencies toward biases, errors in cognition, and groupthink. Red teaming is diagnostic, preventative, and corrective; yet it is neither predictive or a solution. Our goal is to be better prepared and less surprised in dealing with complexity."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    United States. Army Training and Doctrine Command
  • Report Number
    Version 7; v.7
  • Date
    Jan, 2015
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    United States Army Combined Arms Center: usacac.army.mil/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Military/Defense policy and doctrine
    Military/War and warfare
    Terrorism and threats
  • Resource Group
    Exercises and lessons learned

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