30 Mar, 2015
Reducing Losses through Higher Regulatory Standards: 2013 Colorado Floods Case Study
United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
"This study evaluated scenarios including regulating freeboard, restricting building of residences and critical facilities in regulatory floodplains, and controlling development in erosion zones. In addition to regulations, the study investigated how the adoption of regulations over time affected losses, and how CRS [Community Rating System] scores affected NFIP claims and policies. The regulatory LAS [loss avoidance study] quantitatively analyzes regulations that are, or would be, successful if implemented, as well as 'what if' scenarios if regulations were not implemented. For example, for the 100-year and 2013 events, if freeboard was increased by two feet, there would be a decrease in estimated losses in Boulder, Larimer, and Weld Counties by more than 70 percent. In Boulder County, if freeboard had never been adopted, there would be a 331 percent increase in losses and $1.5 billion in additional losses for the 100-year event. As demonstrated by this freeboard scenario, the conclusive results of this study continue to demonstrate that higher floodplain regulations result in benefits reflected by a reduction in flood- related losses. Furthermore, jurisdictions not implementing higher regulatory standards may observe substantial increases in future flood losses. This information, in addition to traditional mitigation actions, can be used by floodplain managers and community officials to support the case for implementing higher regulatory standards for flood mitigation and protection."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Report Number
  • Date
    30 Mar, 2015
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Federal Emergency Management Agency: www.fema.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Emergency management/Emergency equipment and systems
    Environmental issues and disasters/Flood
    Emergency management/Emergency response

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