4 Feb, 2005
Nuclear Power Plants: Vulnerability to Terrorist Attack [February 4, 2005]
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Behrens, Carl E.; Holt, Mark
"Protection of nuclear power plants from land-based assaults, deliberate aircraft crashes, and other terrorist acts has been a heightened national priority since the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has strengthened its regulations on nuclear reactor security, but critics contend that implementation by the industry has been too slow and that further measures are needed. Several provisions to increase nuclear reactor security are included in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, signed August 8, 2005. The law requires NRC to conduct 'force-on-force' security exercises at nuclear power plants at least once every three years and to revise the 'design-basis threat' that nuclear plant security forces must be able to meet, among other measures. This report will be updated as events warrant."
  • URL
  • Authors
    Behrens, Carl E.
    Holt, Mark
  • Publisher
    Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
  • Report Number
    CRS Report for Congress, RS21131
  • Date
    4 Feb, 2005
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS)
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Terrorism and threats/Nuclear and radiological terrorism
    Emergency management/Public safety
    Politics and government
    Nuclear power plants--Security measures
    United States
  • Resource Groups
    LLIS Collection
    Reports (CRS)
  • Series
    CRS Report for Congress, RS21131

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