18 Nov, 2014
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Policy: Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping
United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
From the Purpose: "The purpose of this policy is to enable consistent performance by identifying the standards that must be followed in the delivery of the Risk MAP [Mapping Analysis and Planning] program. These standards govern the performance of flood risk projects, processing of letters of map change and related Risk MAP activities. The Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners ('G&S'), used prior to this policy, was a mix of guidance and standards for Risk MAP activities. There were challenges associated with the G&S that include d a lack of clarity, usability and organization of the document. In order to better align the G&S content to the flood hazard mapping program and Risk MAP, distinguish the policy from the guidance, and improve the usability, Risk Analysis Division has produced this compendium document of all standards applicable to flood risk projects, processing of letters of map change and the implementation of Risk MAP."
Report NumberFederal Policy 204-078-1 (Rev 2)
Date18 Nov, 2014
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromUnited States Federal Emergency Management Agency: www.fema.gov/
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group