Feb, 2014
U.S. Navy Arctic Roadmap 2014-2030
United States. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
"This update of the 2009 Navy Arctic Roadmap provides guidance necessary to prepare the Navy to respond effectively to future Arctic Region contingencies, delineates the Navy's leadership role, and articulates the Navy's support to achieve national priorities in the Region. Navy functions in the Arctic Region are no different from those in other maritime regions; however, the Arctic Region environment makes the execution of many of these functions much more challenging. This Roadmap outlines the Navy's strategic approach for the Arctic Region and the ways and means to achieve the desired national end-state. Resource constraints and competing near-term mission demands require that naval investments be informed, focused, and deliberate. Proactive planning today allows the Navy to prepare its forces for Arctic Region operations. The Roadmap emphasizes low-cost, long-lead activities that position the Navy to meet future demands. The Roadmap provides direction to the Navy for the near-term (present-2020), mid-term (2020-2030), and far-term (beyond 2030), placing particular emphasis on near-term actions necessary to enhance the Navy's ability to operate in the Arctic Region in the future. In the near- to mid-term, the Navy will concentrate on improving operational capabilities, expertise, and capacity, extending reach, and will leverage interagency and international partners to achieve its strategic objectives. In the mid-term, the Navy will provide support to the Combatant Commanders, U.S. Coast Guard, and other U.S. Government agencies. In the far-term, increased periods of ice-free conditions could require the Navy to expand this support on a more routine basis. Throughout these timeframes, the Navy will continue to develop and enhance cooperative relationships across the Department of Defense, U.S. Government agencies, industry, and international allies and partners."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    United States. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
  • Date
    Feb, 2014
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC): www.dtic.mil/dtic/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Management and economics/Financial management
    Politics and government/International relations
    Environmental issues and disasters/Climate change
  • Resource Groups
    Data and statistics

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