Institutionalizing Irregular Warfare Capabilities, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, First Session, Hearing Held November 3, 2011
United States. Government Printing Office
This is the April 5, 2006 hearing on "The U.S.-India Global Partnership," held before the U.S. House Committee on International Relations. From the opening statement of Mac Thornberry: "We appreciate everybody being here for this hearing on a topic that I think will play a significant role in the security of the country moving ahead. It seems to me the basic question is to what extent we learn from our experience and build on it, and to what extent we assume that the past was just an aberration and now we can, quote, 'get back to normal.' I am not sure that the conventional wisdom about normal is quite right. Dr. Sebastian Gorka and David Kilcullen found that of the 464 conflicts since 1815 recorded in the Correlates of War database, 385 of them involved a nonstate actor. That is 83 percent. Dr. Bernard Fall's research, cited in the '2006 Marine Corps and SOCOM Multiservice Concept for Irregular Warfare,' found there were 48 small wars in the first 65 years of the 20th century, which, taken together, involved as many people and as many casualties as either of the two World Wars. A review of U.S. military activities over the last 20 years in places like Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Colombia, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Uganda confirms this trend." Statements, letters, and materials submitted for the record include those of the following: James R. Langevin, Mac Thornberry, Peter C. Bayer, Sinclair M. Harris, Jerry P. Martinez, Daniel J. O'Donohue, Susan A. Davis, Bill Shuster, Jeff Miller, and Bobby Schilling.
Report NumberH.A.S.C. No. 112-89; House Armed Services Committee No. 112-89
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromGovernment Printing Office: www.gpo.gov/
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group