Mar, 2013
Audit Report: The Department of Energy's Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage Program Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
United States. Department of Energy. Office of Inspector General. Office of Audits and Inspections
"Our review found that the Department of Energy (Department) had not always effectively managed the Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage Program (Carbon Program) and the related use of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) funds. Specifically, the Department had not documented significant program decisions when awarding Recovery Act funds to accelerate existing projects. In addition, recipients claimed costs that were questionable and/or unsubstantiated and the Department reimbursed such costs. The Department also awarded Recovery Act funds to recipients that had technical and/or financial issues identified during a merit review process -- issues that resulted in schedule and/or scope changes that may impact the ability of the Carbon Program to meet intended goals. Furthermore, procurement practices supporting the program were not always adequate to ensure that recipients' subcontract or vendor selections were appropriate and in accordance with relevant policies and procedures."
Report NumberDepartment of Energy, Office of Audits and Inspections, OAS-RA-13-15
DateMar, 2013
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromUnited Department of Energy:
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group