10 Oct, 2012
Presidential Policy Directive 19: Protecting Whistleblowers with Access to Classified Information
United States. White House Office
From the Document: "This Presidential Policy Directive ensures that employees (1) serving in the Intelligence Community or (2) who are eligible for access to classified information can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse while protecting classified national security information. It prohibits retaliation against employees for reporting waste, fraud, and abuse. [...] Any officer or employee of a Covered Agency who has authority to take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any Personnel Action, shall not, with respect to such authority, take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fail to take, a Personnel Action with respect to any employee serving in an Intelligence Community Element as a reprisal for a Protected Disclosure."
Report NumberPresidential Policy Directive 19; PPD-19
Date10 Oct, 2012
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromFederation of American Scientists: www.fas.org/
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group