Jul, 1994
Border Patrol Strategic Plan 1994 and Beyond: National Strategy
U.S. Border Patrol
"The mission of the United States Border Patrol is to secure and protect the external boundaries of the United States, preventing illegal entry and detecting, interdicting and apprehending undocumented entrants, smugglers, contraband, and violators of other laws. […] The Border Patrol will improve control of the border by implementing a strategy of 'prevention through deterrence.' The Border Patrol will achieve the goals of its strategy by bringing a decisive number of enforcement resources to bear in each major entry corridor. The Border Patrol will increase the number of agents on the line and make effective use of technology, raising the risk of apprehension high enough to be an effective deterrent. Because the deterrent effect of apprehensions does not become effective in stopping the flow until apprehensions approach 100 percent of those attempting entry, the strategic objective is to maximize the apprehension rate. Although a 100 percent apprehension rate is an unrealistic goal, we believe we can achieve a rate of apprehensions sufficiently high to raise the risk of apprehension to the point that many will consider it futile to continue to attempt illegal entry."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    U.S. Border Patrol
  • Date
    Jul, 1994
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Via E-mail
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subject
    Borders and immigration

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