Oct, 2011
Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities
United States. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; United States. Office of Justice Programs; United States. Department of Justice
"Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities provides information about how facilities can ensure that youth receive the supports and services they require as they experience the disruptions that emergencies inevitably cause. This document emphasizes the importance of ongoing communication and collaboration with community partners in the emergency planning process. In addition, facilities are encouraged to prepare for all emergencies that may affect their geographical area--for everything from a fire in a building to a major flood, earthquake, or hurricane that impacts the surrounding region. The emergency management cycle encompasses four interdependent phases: prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Prevention/ mitigation measures create a safer environment and facilitate recovery from later emergencies by reducing the risk of serious damage. Preparedness in the form of drills and exercises helps ensure an effective and efficient emergency response. During the recovery phase, careful assessments of what worked and what did not contribute to improved preparedness for subsequent emergencies. All phases are vital elements in the emergency management cycle. This publication provides key principles and recommendations, but it is not overly prescriptive. Emergency planners inevitably will need to adapt these guidelines to the particular requirements of their facilities. This document is targeted to state, county, and local juvenile justice authorities charged with the custodial care and supervision of youth in the juvenile justice system, with particular focus on those authorities who oversee residential treatment and correctional and detention facilities that house juveniles via court-ordered placements. The principles outlined in this document may also apply to emergency planning for youth in out-of-home placement. The document is divided into 12 sections. Section 1 provides an overview of the planning process and provides information about forming a planning team; assessing the facility's preparedness; analyzing courses of action; and writing, approving, disseminating, exercising, and updating the plan. Sections 2--12 provide an indepth look at key issues juvenile justice residential facilities may want to consider as they write or update their plans. These issues include emergency preparedness training for staff; the protection of critical infrastructure; protocols for communication with families, other agencies, and the public; and effective emergency medical care and mental health services. An extensive list of references and resources at the end of the document provides additional sources of information about how to best prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies."
DateOct, 2011
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromNational Criminal Justice Reference Service: www.ncjrs.gov/
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group