31 Mar, 2010
Applications of Quantum Mechanics: Black Light Power and the Widom-Larsen Theory of LENR
United States. Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Advanced Systems and Concepts Office
Ullrich, George; Toton, Edward
This document consists of a set of slides on the topic of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) "theoretical modeling" and "experimental observations." It also discusses efforts to: "Catalogue opponent/proponent views on LENR theories and experiments," "Review data on element transmutation," "Prepare assessment and recommendations," and "Critically examine past and new claims by Black Light Power Inc [...] power generation using a newly discovered field of hydrogen-based chemistry." Note: This document has been added to the Homeland Security Digital Library in agreement with the Project on Advanced Systems and Concepts for Countering WMD (PASCC) as part of the PASCC collection. Permission to download and/or retrieve this resource has been obtained through PASCC.
  • URL
  • Authors
    Ullrich, George
    Toton, Edward
  • Publisher
    United States. Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Advanced Systems and Concepts Office
  • Report Number
    Report No. ASCO 2010-014; Report No. Advanced Systems and Concepts Office ASCO 2010 014
  • Date
    31 Mar, 2010
  • Copyright
    Public Domain. Downloaded or retrieved via external web link as part of the PASCC collection.
  • Retrieved From
    ASCO/PASCC Archives via NPS Center on Contemporary Conflict
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
  • Resource Groups
    Lectures, presentations, and conference proceedings
    PASCC Reports

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