Nov, 2011
Buildings and Infrastructure Protection Series: High Performance Based Design for the Building Enclosure, A Resilience Application Project Report
United States. Department of Homeland Security. Science and Technology Directorate
"This Technical Report describes a project performed by the National Institute of Building Sciences (Institute) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to address High Performance Based Design for the Building Enclosure (HPBDE). The Institute convened an expert team to develop a method for analyzing multiple performance objectives early in the project planning process. This method allows building owners to optimize their investments in building security, along with safety, energy conservation, environmental footprint and durability, in addition to evaluating the resulting risk and resilience of a proposed project. The model of performance developed by the Project Team was integrated within an online software program specifically focused on establishing Owner Performance Requirements (OPR).The OPR Tool provides project planners with a previously unavailable resource for selecting and documenting performance goals for a project. This first-phase effort, limited to enclosure systems for new office buildings, lays the technical foundation and soft¬ware framework for expanding the approach in later phases to address retrofit of enclosure systems, as well as moving on to cover the whole building and additional building types."
Report NumberBuildings and Infrastructure Protection Series, BIPS 10/November 2011
DateNov, 2011
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromUnited States. Dept. of Homeland Security:
Media Typeapplication/pdf