1 Jan, 2005?
Legislation Creates Clark County Regional Flood Control District: Full Mitigation Best Practice Story, 'Clark County, Nevada'
United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
This document is part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Best Practices Portfolio. The Best Practices Portfolio is a collection of true stories about people and communities who have experienced disasters, and what mitigation they used to survive, rebuild, and prepare for disasters. From the document: "With an estimated 5,000 new residents arriving each month, Las Vegas and its surrounding area is the fastest growing community in the western United States. More than 1.2 million people live in the area, which lies at the center of a desert valley bounded by mountain ranges. Creeks and riverbeds connect in the center of the valley near the heart of the city. The arid desert soil absorbs little water. As development spreads, there are fewer areas where water may naturally flow or gather. Because of the terrain, the Las Vegas area is prone to flash floods. The area experiences several minor floods each year. Half an inch of rain in a day is enough to flood downtown streets. Water flows downhill from west to east. Regular flooding results in structural damage to businesses and residences, and serves as the catalyst for car accidents. [...] The Nevada Legislature responded in 1986 by creating the Clark County Regional Flood Control District. It embarked on one of the most progressive self-funded flood control programs in the country." This and other individual FEMA Best Practices documents are also combined in "Mitigation Best Practices: Public and Private Sector Best Practice Stories for All Activity/Project Types in All States and Territories Relating to All Hazards [August 10, 2011]," which can be accessed at the following link: www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=683132.
  • URL
  • Publisher
    United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Date
    1 Jan, 2005?
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): www.fema.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Hazard mitigation
    Flood control
    Flood damage prevention
  • Resource Groups
    Best practices
    LLIS Collection
  • Series
    FEMA Case Study Library
    FEMA Mitigation Best Practices

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