Dec, 1999
National Security Strategy for a New Century [December 1999]
United States. White House Office
"The United States remains the world's most powerful force for peace, prosperity and the universal values of democracy and freedom. Our nation's central challenge-and our responsibility-is to sustain that role by seizing the opportunities of this new global era for the benefit of our own people and people around the world. To do that, we are pursuing a forward-looking national security strategy for the new century. This report, submitted in accordance with Section 603 of the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Department Reorganization Act of 1986, sets forth that strategy. […] The United States must have the tools necessary to carry out this strategy. We have worked to preserve and enhance the readiness of our armed forces while pursuing long-term modernization and providing quality of life improvements for our men and women in uniform. To better meet readiness challenges, I proposed, and Congress passed, a fiscal year 2000 defense budget that increased military pay and retirement benefits, and significantly increased funding for readiness and modernization. I have also proposed a $112 billion increase across fiscal years 2000 to 2005 for readiness, modernization, and other high priority defense requirements. This is the first long-term sustained increase in defense spending in over a decade."
DateDec, 1999
CopyrightPublic Domain
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