8 Feb, 2008
Air Force Blue Ribbon Review of Nuclear Weapons Policies and Procedures
United States. Air Force
This report presents the results of a survey of U.S. Air Force nuclear weapons policies and procedures. "On 9 October 2007, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) appointed Major General Polly A. Peyer to chair an Air Force blue ribbon review (BRR) of nuclear weapons policies and procedures. On 19 October 2007, the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) announced the formation of the BRR in a press conference. The CSAF tasked the review to take an enterprise-wide look at United States Air Force (USAF) nuclear responsibilities. Specifically, the CSAF highlighted a need to examine organizational structure; command authorities and responsibilities; personnel and assignment policies; and education and training associated with the operation, maintenance) storage, handling, transportation, and security of USAF nuclear weapons systems. […] As the United States (US) reduced its nuclear stockpile following the end of the Cold War, emphasis on nuclear weapons declined and the forces assigned to operate, maintain, and support the nuclear capability reduced accordingly, especially in flying units. The ongoing challenge to the USAF is how to achieve a focused, dedicated nuclear capability with a smaller but equally professional work force. […] Recognizing there are always potential risks, the USAF has a sound nuclear surety program. That said, the BRR team observed areas needing enhancement. Some of the observations and recommendations may warrant further study or expanded resolution, but in this review the BRR team is confident that it has highlighted the relevant areas for improvement. The way ahead must reaffirm the USAF's longstanding commitment to the nuclear enterprise and prove an unequivocal dedication to supporting both deterrence and response. At the heart of this look to the future is a strategy to ensure the USAF nuclear arsenal remains safe, secure, and reliable."
Date8 Feb, 2008
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromFederation of American Scientists (FAS): www.fas.org/main/home.jsp
Media Typeapplication/pdf