May, 2007
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense Memorandum of Understanding
Chemical and Biological Defense Program (U.S.)
"The CBR MOU [Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Memorandum of Understanding] is an agreement between the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia for the purpose of improving their mutual CBR [Chemical, Biological, and Radiological] defense capabilities. The four member nations have a common interest to defend their armed forces against weapons of mass destruction and a mutual need to develop improved CBR defense materiel. Each nation entered the CBR MOU because it recognizes the benefits of standardization, burden sharing, and interoperability." This report summarizes the various programs and authority structure of the CBR MOU.
DateMay, 2007
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromChemical and Biological Defense and Chemical Demilitarization Programs:
Media Typeapplication/pdf
Resource Group