Aug, 2006
Department of Defense Implementation Plan for Pandemic Influenza
United States. Department of Defense
"This plan implements the White House 'National Pandemic Influenza Strategy Implementation Plan.' It provides strategic guidance to all Department of Defense components for preparation and response to an outbreak of pandemic influenza. The Secretary of Defense's principal responsibility in responding to a pandemic will be to protect U.S. interests at home and abroad. This implementation plan sets forth Department of Defense (DoD) guidance and addresses key policy issues for pandemic influenza planning. This guidance will enable the Combatant Commanders, Military Departments, and DoD agencies to develop plans to prepare for, detect, respond to, and contain the effects of a pandemic on military forces, DoD civilians, DoD contractors, dependents, and beneficiaries. Additionally, plans will address the provision of DoD assistance to civil authorities both foreign and domestic. Finally, attention to the key security concerns, such as humanitarian relief and stabilization operations that may arise as a result of a pandemic, will be addressed."
DateAug, 2006
CopyrightPublic Domain
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