I Am the Guard: A History of the Army National Guard, 1636-2000
United States. National Guard Bureau
Doubler, Michael
"I Am The Guard: A History of the Army National Guard, 1636-2000 provides a broad, comprehensive view of the accomplishments of citizen-soldiers as the militia, the National Guard, and since 1947, the modern Army National Guard. Just as our first official history was going to press, America endured the heinous terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a day that reminds us all of the extreme actions some are willing to undertake against this nation of free people. In the past, freedom has confronted and defeated evil. Like those American citizen-soldiers before us who rose to the occasion and vanquished evil, so too will the men and women of today's Army National Guard help to raise the banner of freedom to the world. While much has changed since the creation of America's first citizen-soldier regiments in 1636, a number of the National Guard's important characteristics have remained constant. The National Guard has maintained its unique status as both a federal and State force. As a federal reserve in the first line of defense, the Army National Guard provides ready units for mobilization in time of war and national emergency. As a State force, it provides for the protection of life and property and preserves peace, order and public safety. Another constant has been the dedication and service of its members. From the earliest militia engagements in the New World to the Army National Guard's current role in the war on terrorism, Guard soldiers have performed exemplary, selfless service for both community and country. The National Guard has always been a community-based force, with citizen-soldier camps and armories appearing wherever the American people have ventured. At the same time, the National Guard has been a dynamic institution capable of responding to the nation's changing needs. From the musket to the microprocessor, Guard soldiers have quickly adapted to the new weapons and tactics of warfare."

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