National Military Strategy of the United States of America 2004: A Strategy for Today; A Vision for Tomorrow
United States. Department of Defense
The National Military Strategy (NMS) is exemplified by three priorities: winning the War on Terrorism, enhancing joint warfighting and transforming for the future. The NMS is guided by goals and objectives contained in the President's "National Security Strategy" and serves to implement the Secretary of Defense's 2004 "national Defense Strategy of the United States of America." The document therefore outlines key aspects of the security environment, including a wider range of adversaries, a more complex and distributed battlespace, and technology diffusion and access. Also discussed are guiding principles of the development of the Joint Force, including agility, decisiveness, and integration. The strategy establishes three military objectives: protection of the United States against external attacks and aggression, prevention of conflict and surprise attack, and triumph against adversaries. Desired attributes of the Force are listed as "fully integrated, expeditionary, networked, decentralized, adaptable, decision superiority and lethality." The report also examines force design and size, as well as risk and force assessments. The Joint Vision for Future Warfighting asserts that the goal is "Full Spectrum Dominance - the ability to control any situation or defeat or any adversary across the range of military operations."
  • URL
  • Publisher
    United States. Department of Defense
  • Date
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Military/Defense policy and doctrine
    Military/Military roles
    Military/Operations other than war
    Military/War and warfare
  • Series
    Military Defense National Strategy

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