Aug, 2000
Developing Departmental Requirements for Implementing a Health and Safety Officer for the Fresno City Fire Department
National Fire Academy
Bradley, Michael H.
"The Fresno City Fire Department (FCFD) does not have a departmental health and safety officer. The purpose of this research paper is to determine the necessary requirements to implement the position of health and safety officer in the FCFD. An action based research method was used which resulted in a draft plan of action, which is provided in an Appendix. Research questions that were answered were: 1. What are the laws and standards relating to the position of health and safety officer? 2. What are the knowledge and skills required for the health and safety officer position? 3. What are the organizational roles and responsibilities of the Health and Safety Officer? The leading procedure used was to review the current laws and standards supporting the use of a health and safety officer, also materials focusing on the knowledge and skills necessary for the position. Literature and publications were reviewed that were primarily focused on the identified issues. Findings revealed that several national fire service standards and codes support the implementation of a department health and safety officer. Several other factors outlining the knowledge and skills necessary for assignment to the position were noted in said research. The result of the research shows that the implementation of the position of health and safety officer within the FCFD is necessary to be in compliance with nationally accepted standards. It also allows for the development of guidelines concerning the duties of the health and safety officer along with the knowledge and skills essential for assignment to the position."
  • URL
  • Author
    Bradley, Michael H.
  • Publisher
    National Fire Academy
  • Date
    Aug, 2000
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Learning Resource Center:
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subject
    Management and economics/Human resource management

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