18 Sep, 2000
CIA Reports: Hinchey Report: CIA Activities in Chile
United States. Central Intelligence Agency
"In the 1960s and the early 1970s, as part of the US Government policy to try to influence events in Chile, the CIA undertook specific covert action projects in Chile. The overwhelming objective was to discredit Marxist-leaning political leaders, especially Dr. Salvador Allende, and to strengthen and encourage their civilian and military opponents to prevent Marxist-leaning political leaders from assuming power. This report was compiled in response to Section 311 of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (referred to hereafter as the Hinchey Amendment). In this report, the Intelligence Community (IC) reviewed relevant CIA records of the period and consulted with retired intelligence officers who were directly involved. The report found that CIA or the Intelligence Community was not involved in the death of Chilean President Salvador Allende. Nonetheless, the US Administration's long-standing hostility to Allende and its past encouragement of a military coup against him were well known among Chilean coup plotters who eventually took action on their own to oust him. The report also found that the CIA actively supported the military Junta after the overthrow of Allende but did not assist Pinochet to assume the Presidency. In addition, the report reveals that some contacts or agents of the CIA or US military were involved in systematic and widespread human rights abuses authorized by Pinochet following Allende's ouster."

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