Center for Technology and National Security Policy [website]
National Defense University. Center for Technology and National Security Policy
"The Center for Technology and National Security Policy (CTNSP) is a US Department of Defense research center integrated into the Institute for National Strategic Studies and the National Defense University focused on the intersection of technology and national security policy. As DOD senior leaders respond to a trend that has seen R&D shift from governments to the private sector, CTNSP is uniquely positioned to tap into the expertise of the military, academia, and global technology markets. Its dual role as a DOD organization and an academic institution provide access to restricted government information, as well as cutting edge research coming from both academia and the private sector. Situated at the National Defense University, CTNSP has immediate access to senior military leaders, in addition to the diverse student population, representing mid- and senior-level commanders with significant recent experience in military operations, helping ensure that CTNSP's research is grounded in operational insights and relevance. CTNSP conducts research and analysis on emerging trends in science and technology, strategic forecasting, and program assessment. In support of its mission, the Center delivers technical studies, program reviews, senior workshops, electronic data products, inter-agency exercises, expert consultation, and a variety of outreach activities."
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    National Defense University. Center for Technology and National Security Policy
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    Public Domain
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Citing HSDL Resources

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Indiana University Guide: Citing U.S. Government Publications:
Clear examples for citing specific types of government publications in a variety of formats. It does not address citing according to specific style guides.

Naval Postgraduate School: Dudley Knox Library. Citing Styles:
Specific examples for citing government publications according to APA and Chicago style guides. Click on the link for your preferred style then navigate to the specific type of government publication.

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