Closing the Gaps in Air Cargo Security, Hearing Before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, Second Session, November 16, 2010
United States. Government Printing Office
From the opening statement of Joseph I. Lieberman: "Our subject today is air cargo security. Beginning with the attack against America on 9-11, our terrorist enemies have consistently sought to use airplanes as weapons of mass destruction. And they have seen in our aviation system a strategic choke point of international transit and commerce that could be brought to a halt through terror attacks. We've seen shoe bombers. Liquid bombers. Underwear bombers. Again and again and again, terrorists have sought different ways to blow up an airplane. In the most recent attempt, terrorists hid bombs inside the toner cartridges of printers and sent them to the U.S. as air cargo. This plot, as the others before it, was thwarted -- in this case, largely because of extraordinary intelligence--and here we give thanks and credit to our friends and allies in Saudi Arabia. But, there was in this an element of good fortune and luck. And luck, of course, is not a strategy to defend our nation from the threat of terrorists. As this most recent plot demonstrates, good intelligence and strong foreign partnerships are critically important. But I think the point that remains with us is that phrase that echoes from the 9-11 Report, the Kean-Hamilton Report, in which they said 9-11 occurred because of a failure of imagination - our failure to imagine that people could possibly try to do what the terrorists did to us on 9-11." Statements, letters, and materials submitted for the record include those of the following: Joseph I. Lieberman, Susan M. Collins, Carl Levin, Scott P. Brown, Roland W. Burris, Thomas R.Carper, John Ensign, John S. Pistole, and Alan D. Bersin.
Report NumberS. Hrg. 111-1105; Senate Hearing 111-1105
CopyrightPublic Domain
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