Nov, 2010
Oil Budget Calculator: Deepwater Horizon
Federal Interagency Solutions Group, Oil Budget Calculator Science and Engineering Team
"An oil budget (ICS Form 209) is normally prepared as part of the Incident Action Plan for ordinary oil spills. The Deepwater Horizon spill was anything but ordinary, and a special tool had to be developed to construct a workable oil budget useful to the unified command in making its response decisions. This report describes that tool. The National Incident Command (NIC) assembled several interagency expert scientific teams to estimate the volume of BP Deepwater Horizon oil that has been released from the well and the short-term fate of that oil. The expertise of government scientists serving on these teams was complemented by non-governmental and governmental specialists providing data, offering suggestions, and reviewing the calculations and conclusions. […]This report discusses the methods used to estimate the portions of that volume that were recovered directly from the well head, dispersed either chemically or naturally, evaporated or dissolved, burned or skimmed, and the portion left over ('other' oil) that may still be amenable to response actions. The latest results, by and large, are consistent with early results, produced by an early version of the Calculator and announced in a NOAA press release of August 4, 2010: the early estimate of the percentage of 'other' (or, 'residual') oil was 26%; the current version of the Calculator estimates it at 23%, and qualifies this estimate with the belief that, with high confidence, the true percentage should be between 11% (best-case scenario) and 30% (worst-case scenario)."
DateNov, 2010
CopyrightPublic Domain
Retrieved FromRestore the Gulf:
Media Typeapplication/pdf