24 Apr, 2006
FEMA Mitigation Best Practices: Cloverport Slope Stabilization
United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
"The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Best Practices Portfolio consists of mitigation stories submitted by individuals and communities that describe measures they have taken to reduce the loss of life and property from disasters. These Best Practices are meant to provide ideas and concepts about reducing losses and to encourage others to evaluate their own risk and consider mitigation as a long term solution to reducing that risk." [...] From the document: "Cloverport is a small town on the banks of the Ohio River. For the residents of the Creekview Apartment Complex, the benefits of hazard mitigation are evident every time it rains. Clover Creek, a branch of the Ohio River, flows behind the property. Saturation from flooding in March 1997 created severe stream bank erosion that threatened the lives and homes of the 48 elderly and disabled Creekview residents. Fortunately, stabilization of the slope behind the Creekview Apartment Complex was an eligible activity under FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). However, HMGP funds would only cover 75 percent of project costs. Creekview, as the local entity applying for HMGP funds, had to find funding for the remaining amount. The City was able to use a Community Development Block Grant made available through the Kentucky Department of Local Government." This and other individual FEMA Best Practices documents are also combined in "Mitigation Best Practices: Public and Private Sector Best Practice Stories for All Activity/Project Types in All States and Territories Relating to All Hazards [August 10, 2011]," which can be accessed at the following link: [www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=683132]
  • URL
  • Publisher
    United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Date
    24 Apr, 2006
  • Copyright
    Public Domain
  • Retrieved From
    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): www.fema.gov/
  • Format
  • Media Type
  • Subjects
    Hazard mitigation
    Flood damage prevention
  • Resource Groups
    Best practices
    LLIS Collection
  • Series
    FEMA Case Study Library
    FEMA Mitigation Best Practices

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